HSC PDHPE - Option 1: Health of Young People
We have covered 'The Health of Young People' in some way or form since you guys were in Year 7. Plus, you are YOUNG PEOPLE. So this is an area of study that should make a lot of sense to you. Below are bits & pieces from the unit, plus some links to good resources.
Option 1: Health of Young People PowerpointBelow is the Powerpoint for the unit. It may feel like the unit was a little disjointed due to exams and what not, also be aware you covered some of the unit with your assessment task
To what extent do Young People enjoy good healthThe syllabus requires you to analyse TWO of the following health issues for young people:
• mental health problems and illnesses • body image • alcohol consumption • violence • road safety • sexual health • emerging health issues; for example, gambling, cyberbullying, party crashes or drink spiking. In class you completed a summary of ONE concern, which you all received the class summaries in a booklet. Here is the PowerPoint and information sheet from the concern I covered; Mental Health. AIHW Report - Young Australians: Their Health & WellbeingBelow is the Australian Institute of Health & Welfare's report on The Health of Young People. This unit is based on it's findings.
No School No PlayDid you recognise anyone?
No School, No Play initiative is a program run through schools with the support of Cricket Australia. It aims at increasing physical activity (with cricket sessions) whilst building cultural awareness for young ATSI individuals (through Aboriginal art clinics & programs). As we learnt on Friday, Young ATSI people tend to feel a disconnect from their culture, so this program addresses that, whilst being subsidised by the government and run for FREE through school (SRHS is in a low SES area). |
Outcomes 2 textbook linkBelow is a link to the textbook chapter we'll be looking at for homework this week.
Breaking NewsBelow are recent news stories that relate to our topic, check them out.
Report Card on Adolescent Health (2000)Here is a link to a report card on Young People's health from the year 2000, this can give you an overview of how their health status has changed over the years.
Option 1 Assessment TaskBelow is a link to the assessment task that is due on Wednesday, March 27, 2013. If you need help, it will be the focus of Monday's tutoring session
Havard Style Referencing GuideBelow is a link to a 'Harvard Style Referencing Guide' brought to you by the University of Sydney (great university - just sayin) that will be useful for your assessment task.